Thursday, January 1, 2015

Life's a beach

What does this phrase make you think of?
... Life's a beach... 
You are probably imagining yourself walking along a beach, with the sunshine warming you, and the power of the ocean made evident in the waves crashing all around. Or maybe going to the beach reminds you of how much you hate sand in everything :) (which i cannot understand). 

Yet, the other day I was thinking of this phrase and reminded of the reality of the beach. You can sit on the sand all day and watch the beauty of the ocean in front of you, but you'd never experience the truth about the ocean until you actually got in its waters (and even then it's not comprehensible). 

A lot of people are afraid of the ocean, whether it is because of sharks, jellyfish, or maybe because they can't swim. Yet, getting out and swimming in the ocean is one of the most enjoyable things I have ever done. Not to mention, surfing (or more like trying to surf) is another awsome thing that i have been able to experience. Being out that deep in the water, my dad and i have seen "flying" manta rays, manatee, dolphins and many-a-jellyfish out on the big blue.

But, as you probably know, with going out into a massive body of water; you don't know what in the world is in it!! Which is scary, but is totally worth it, because you get to see the beauty that comes with risk and trust

Such is life, my friends. God will challenge us to do new things. Don't let fear tempt you to stay on the safe side, but instead give your whole life to God and have faith in Him to take you to deeper waters and He will show you so much peace and beauty, that it will change your life!! 

Life is a beach, because we are given the opportunity to step into "the ocean" daily.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways"
-the Lord

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